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Jeremey’s Testimony

I’m Jeremy Hodges and I am 39 years old and was born and raised in Lewisport, Kentucky. Growing up as kid I had a great life. I was very active and played all sports. I recall being in church every time the doors were opened. As I got older and in high school I started hanging with the wrong crowd because I wanted to be one of the cool kids and fit in but this resulted in me becoming an addict and eventually an alcoholic which would result in me going to jail several times and catching 5 DUI’s. June of 2020 I had gotten arrested once more for domestic and other charges and I had hit rock bottom. I had enough of me hurting my family and putting everyone around me in danger of getting hurt so I decided to get help. It wasn’t just the help I was needing I was also lost, broken, and just trying to fill that void of being empty on the inside with the worldly things that was eventually gonna kill me. So July 6th of 2020 I came to Friends of Sinners. For the first 30 days I was told to sit still so I did but while doing so I was able to find out and realize who God really is and I surrendered my life, giving it all to Him and I haven’t looked back since. God broke those chains of addiction and I was baptized August 16th, 2020. June 21, 2021 I graduated from FOS. That void that I always wasted my time trying to fill is now filled with God and I look up to him for all the answers. This coming July 6th I will have 3 years clean and sober. I’m volunteer staff at FOS, I have a great full time job that I’m now able to hold, and God has literally restored my relationship with my family and he has answered so many prayers concerning me. I give God all the praise and glory. “For I know the plans I have for you, plans for your well-being not for disaster, but to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11